Meet Your Readers Where They Are
Your book’s no place to debate people you disagree with.
Those people will never read your book. That is not how books work.
Good books can change lives, but rarely do they change minds.
Provoke them? Yes.
Energize, challenge, and surprise them? Absolutely.
Your book can take readers on quite the journey—but only if you first meet readers where they are.
Only if you light a path they can see.
We ghostwriters and book coaches often tell authors to write to yourself.
Imagine an earlier version of you—the one that most needed to hear what you now have to say. Before through grind, grit or grace, you found a better way.
Then, say it in a voice you would have actually listened to. (“You’re doing it wrong” is probably not it.)
The only readers you can ever hope to reach with a book must BOTH:
🎯 NEED to hear what you have to say, AND
🎯 WANT to hear what you have to say.
Feel free to critique professional and social trends—as long as you’re writing to those already outgrowing that status quo.
To the people actively curious about new ideas, perspectives, and solutions.
About YOUR ideas, perspectives and solutions.
Above all, remember: you cannot force your book into someone’s feed.
Each one of your readers must pick up your book,
open it,
and turn
on their own.
They do that only if they want what you have on offer.
Enough to not just to hear you out, but to deeply consider what you have to say.
To invest hours into your ideas, perspectives, and solutions—to maybe even give them a try.
That is the power of a good book—if you meet the right readers at the right inflection point, those on the cusp of forging a better way.
Forget about changing minds. Just light a path they can see.
Find—and deliver to—your readers, and you will catalyze breakthroughs.
You’ve Got a Book in You. Let’s Get It Out.